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Request for public records

Who can make a claim?

■ People who live within the city
■ Individuals, corporations and other organizations that have businesses or offices in the city
■ People who work in businesses or offices within the city
■ People enrolled in schools within the city
■ Other people who are deemed to have a vested interest in the affairs and business conducted by the city

Public documents subject to disclosure

These are documents, drawings, photographs, magnetic tapes, etc. that were created or obtained by employees in the course of their duties after October 12, 10, and for which procedures such as approval and inspection have been completed.
However, we will also make public documents created or obtained before October 12, 10 public as much as possible.

Forms for requesting disclosure of public documents

Notification of decision to publish

We will decide whether or not we can disclose the information within 14 days from the date of submission of the request (or within 60 days if there are unavoidable reasons) and notify you in writing.

How to publish

Public records will be made public at the date, time and place specified in the notice of decision.

There is no charge for viewing public documents, but if you request a copy of the document, you will be charged a certain fee per copy. If you wish to have the copy mailed to you, you will be responsible for the postage costs.

Costs for requesting copies of official documents


Paper size
Amount of money
Up to A3 size
10 yen
Over A3 size up to A2 size
40 yen
From A3 to A1 size
60 yen
From A1 to A0 size
100 yen
Anything larger than A0 size
A0 size fee plus 1.2 yen for every 1.2m over 140m in length


Paper size
Amount of money
Up to A3 size
10 yen
Over A3 size up to A2 size
80 yen
From A3 to A1 size
120 yen
From A1 to A0 size
200 yen
Anything larger than A0 size
A0 size fee plus 1.2 yen for every 1.2m over 190m in length

Scope of disclosure

In principle, public documents are made public; however, in order to protect personal privacy and other interests, public documents containing the following information may not be made public:

■ Information that cannot be disclosed due to legal provisions, etc.
■ Information about an individual that can identify a specific individual
■ Information that is deemed to be detrimental to the business activities of individuals or corporations
■ Information that, if made public, may endanger the protection of human life or body or other public safety
■ Information that is deemed to cause significant disruption to decision-making regarding business operations if made public
■ Information that, if disclosed, may undermine the purpose of the business or seriously impede the smooth and proper execution of the business.
■ Information that, if made public, could seriously damage cooperative relations or trust between countries and other parties.

Request for examination

If you are dissatisfied with the decision not to disclose the information, you can request a review. When a review is requested, the Ube City Information Disclosure Review Board will be consulted and the decision on whether to disclose the information or not will be made again, respecting the recommendation.
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