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Transportation Safety Initiatives

Ube City Bus

In order to ensure the safety of transportation, all staff members of the authorities are working together to implement the following measures.

I. Basic policy on transport safety

1. Basic safety policy

  • In order to ensure transportation safety, each and every employee will comply with laws and ordinances, maintain a high level of awareness, and constantly strive to improve transportation safety.

2. Keep in mind

  • We strive to improve character and dignity, and serve our customers with the motto of cheerfulness, kindness, and safety.

II.Goals related to transportation safety and achievement status of the goals

R5 (goal)
R5 (result)
R6 (goal)
vehicle accident
In-vehicle accident
vehicle breakdown accident
*The above number is based on Article 2 of the Automobile Accident Reporting Regulations.

Accident statistics April 1, 2020 to the end of December 2020

Personal injury
In-vehicle accident
Property damage accident
5 Results
Single property damage accident

III. Organizational structure and chain of command for transport safety

Refer to Attachment 1 (Organization chart within the Safety Management Bureau)

IV. Priority measures for transport safety

We will review the following items as priority measures in Reiwa 6 and strive to prevent accidents.
  1. Elimination of accidents resulting in injury or death
  2. Reduction of stationary object accidents
  3. Extinction of Drunk Driving

V. Ensuring safety (Reiwa 6 plan)

  1. Hazardous area map…Whole city
  2. Hiyari-Hatto Report: Create 60 sheets
  3. Distribution of safety notices

Guidance and supervision guidelines for drivers in Reiwa 6 and instruction plan chart based on laws and regulations

Mental attitude when driving a commercial vehicle
Basic matters to be observed in order to ensure the safety of business vehicle operation and the safety of passengers
Structural characteristics of commercial vehicles
Matters to keep in mind to ensure the safety of passengers on board
Matters to be kept in mind to ensure the safety of passengers boarding and disembarking
Road and traffic conditions in the route or route that is mainly operated or in the business area
Danger prediction and avoidance and emergency response methods
Safe driving according to the driving aptitude of the driver
Physiological and psychological factors of drivers involved in traffic accidents and how to deal with them
Importance of health care
Appropriate driving methods for commercial vehicles equipped with devices to improve safety
Safe driving according to the driving characteristics of the driver using the records of the drive recorder
4. Safety goals (priority goals during roll call)
Safety comes first in everything.
Slow down, drive slowly, or stop in anticipation of danger.
Driving while anticipating danger hidden in blind spots
Alert customers who use microphones when starting or stopping
Prevention of health-related accidents
Ensuring the safety of operating roads and routes
Ensuring safety when getting on and off
Enforcing smooth departures and gradual stops
Eliminate impatient driving
Do not drive in a hurry
Enforce defensive driving in anticipation of danger
Eliminate prioritizing actions and ensure confirmation before action
5. Annual plan for ensuring safety
Thoroughly drive with consideration to maintaining safe distances and slowing down
Bus escort instruction education/practical instruction (individual)
Bus escort instruction education/practical instruction (individual)
Accurately understand the health status and overwork status of crew members, and supervise and provide guidance to crew members.
Safe Driving and Hospitality Training Session (NASVA)
Preventing traffic accidents at dusk and at night and eradicating drunk driving, etc.
Thoroughly giving priority to pedestrians at crosswalks, conducting general diagnosis and providing individual guidance
Stop at intersections and thoroughly check safety
Promoting the creation of an environment that absolutely does not tolerate drunk driving, obstructive driving, etc.
Promoting driving with consideration and a spirit of compromise
Individual guidance using drive recorder
Individual guidance using drive recorder
* Conduct training for newly appointed drivers as needed

VI.Report communication system for accidents and disasters

Attachment 2 (Emergency contact system)

VII.Transportation safety education and training plan

Reiwa 5th year
・New station crew training 11 people
・Re-education for people with poor hospitality 0 people
・Education for those who caused accidents 0 people

Reiwa 6th year
・New station crew training
・Re-education of people with poor hospitality
・Education for those who cause accidents

・Reinstatement and reinstatement education 0 people
・Private education for 1 people
・Education for those who violate service regulations 0 people

・Reinstatement and reinstatement education
・Private education
・Practical guidance on safe driving

・Driving aptitude diagnosis
 Initial diagnosis: 11 people
 Appropriate age diagnosis 1 person

・General diagnosis every 3 years 70 people scheduled
・Appropriate age diagnosis: 7 people scheduled
・Education for those who violate service regulations

Ⅷ.Practical training for beginner charter bus drivers

Practical training for beginner drivers

〇As of Reiwa 6/12/6, 8 people conducted
 1. From Reiwa 6/4/1 to Reiwa 6/4/15: 5 days
 2. From Reiwa 6/4/1 to Reiwa 6/5/9: 6 days
 3. From Reiwa 6/5/1 to Reiwa 6/6/4: 5 days
   4. From Reiwa 6/7/1 to Reiwa 6/7/31: 7 days
 5. From Reiwa 6/6/10 to Reiwa 6/8/16: 6 days
 6. From Reiwa 6/8/1 to Reiwa 6/8/31: 5 days
 7. From Reiwa 6/10/1 to Reiwa 6/10/31: 6 days
 8. From Reiwa 6/11/1 to Reiwa 6/12/5: 5 days

〇Vehicle type Large bus (less than 12m)

〇Instruction content
 1. Practical training will be provided using a chartered bus and will be provided for over 20 hours of actual work.
  ① Driving guidance before departure identifies areas with a high risk of accidents and instructs drivers on appropriate driving operations.
  ② Driving instruction by accompanying drivers includes safe starting and stopping, stopping at intersections and slowing down.
         Instruct children to be careful of motorcycles.
  3) Practical training for night driving and high-speed driving requires understanding the surroundings and ensuring safety.
         To instruct.
  ④ When conducting practical training on uphill and downhill slopes, select the appropriate gear and use the exhaust brake.
         Instruct students not to use the rake too much.
 2. Guidance based on the characteristics of bus vehicles
  ① Guidance regarding vehicle blind spots
  ② Guidance regarding rear camera
  ③ Guidance regarding inner ring difference and overhang
  ④ Guidance on the characteristics of Gya

〇Teaching instructor experience: 4 years 

Ⅸ. General Safety Manager, Safety Management Regulations

  1. Safety General Manager Transportation Business Section Manager
  2. Safety Management Regulation Attachment 3
  3. See (Safety Management Regulations)

Attachment 1

Organization chart of the Safety Management Bureau

Attachment 2

Emergency contact system

How to record and store information related to transport safety

Regarding the handling of Article 18, Paragraph 3 of these regulations, the "information on transportation safety" shall be recorded and stored by the safety general manager.

For general information, the created documents are recorded in a file, and the data is recorded in a USB or the like.

Records shall be stored in storage such as lockers under the supervision of the safety manager. Obtain permission from the safety general manager before using it.

The retention period shall be 3 years from the date of record start, and shall be destroyed in order from the expiration of the period.Disposal requires the consent of the safety general manager.

Attachment 3

Ube City Bus Safety Management Regulations

table of contents

Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter2 Business Operation Policy, etc. for Ensuring Transport Safety

Chapter3 Project Implementation and Management System for Ensuring Transportation Safety

Chapter4 Project Implementation and Management Methods for Ensuring Transportation Safety

Chapter I General Provisions

(the purpose)
Article 1 These regulations (hereinafter referred to as "these regulations") shall be complied with in order to ensure transportation safety based on the provisions of Article 22-2, Paragraph 2 of the Road Transportation Law (hereinafter referred to as the "law"). The purpose is to determine the matters to be handled and thereby improve the safety of transportation.
(Scope of application)
Article 2 These regulations apply to business activities related to the general passenger car transportation business of Ube City Bus (hereinafter referred to as "bureau").

Chapter2 Business Operation Policy, etc. for Ensuring Transport Safety

(Basic policy on transport safety)
Article 3 The Ube City Transportation Business Manager (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator") shall be deeply aware that ensuring transportation safety is the foundation of business management, and shall play a leading role in ensuring transportation safety within the Bureau. fulfillIn addition, while paying close attention to the on-site situation, such as by sincerely listening to voices regarding safety on-site, we will ensure that employees are fully aware that ensuring transportation safety is of the utmost importance.

2 By steadily formulating, executing, checking, and improving plans related to transportation safety (Plan Do Check Act) and constantly reviewing safety measures, Strive to improve transport safety.We will also actively disclose information on transportation safety.

(Priority Measures Concerning Transportation Safety)
Article 4 Based on the transportation safety policy in the preceding article, the following items shall be implemented.
  1. Thoroughly establish awareness that ensuring transport safety is of the utmost importance, and comply with relevant laws and regulations and safety management regulations.
  2. Make efforts to actively and efficiently make expenditures and investments related to transport safety.
  3. Conduct internal audits on transportation safety and take necessary corrective or preventive measures.
  4. Establish a communication system for information on transportation safety, and transmit and share necessary information within the station.
  5. Formulate a specific plan for education and training on transport safety and implement it appropriately.

2 All staff will cooperate and work together to improve transport safety.

(Targets related to transport safety)
Article 5 Based on the policy listed in Article 3, set goals.

(Transport Safety Plan)
Article 6 To achieve the goals set forth in the preceding article and to create a plan necessary to ensure transportation safety in accordance with priority measures for transportation safety.

Chapter3 Project Implementation and Management System for Ensuring Transportation Safety

(Responsibilities of Managers, etc.)
Article 7 The manager has ultimate responsibility for ensuring transportation safety.
2 Managers shall take necessary measures, such as securing budgets and establishing systems, to ensure transportation safety.
3. Managers shall respect the opinion of the Safety General Manager regarding ensuring transport safety.
4 Managers shall constantly check whether the implementation and management of operations to ensure transportation safety are appropriate, and make necessary improvements.

(Internal organization)
Article 8 We appoint the following persons, build a system responsible for ensuring transportation safety, and properly implement corporate governance to ensure transportation safety.
  1. Safety manager
  2. Operation manager
  3. Maintenance manager
  4. Other necessary responsible persons

2. The organizational structure and chain of command for transport safety shall be based on a separate organization chart, including cases where the safety general manager is absent due to illness, etc., or when dealing with serious accidents, disasters, etc.

(Appointment and Dismissal of Safety General Manager)
Article 9 A safety general manager shall be appointed from among those who meet the requirements set forth in Article 47-5 of the Passenger Vehicle Transportation Business Transport Regulations.

2. If the safety general manager falls under any of the following items, the manager will be dismissed.
  1. When a dismissal order is issued by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
  2. When it becomes difficult to continue to perform duties due to physical or mental breakdown or other unavoidable reasons.
  3. When it is deemed that the continuation of the duties of the safety manager may hinder the safety of transportation due to violation of relevant laws and regulations or failure to confirm the status of ensuring transportation safety.

(Responsibilities of Safety General Manager)
Article 10 The safety manager shall have the following responsibilities.
  1. Thoroughly raise awareness among all employees that compliance with relevant laws and regulations and ensuring transportation safety are of utmost importance.
  2. To establish and maintain a system for the implementation and management of transportation safety.
  3. Faithful implementation of transport safety policies, priority measures, goals and plans.
  4. Establish a reporting and communication system for transport safety and make it known to employees.
  5. Regularly and as needed, conduct internal audits and report to management regarding the status of securing transport safety.
  6. To take necessary improvement measures, such as giving opinions on necessary improvements to the management staff, etc. regarding ensuring transportation safety.
  7. General management of operation managers so that operation management is performed properly.
  8. To supervise maintenance managers so that maintenance management is carried out properly.
  9. Provide necessary education or training to employees to ensure transportation safety.
  10. To conduct general management related to securing other transportation safety.

Chapter4 Project Implementation and Management Methods for Ensuring Transportation Safety

(Implementation of priority measures for transport safety)
Article 11. Based on our basic policy on transportation safety, we will steadily implement priority measures for transportation safety in accordance with our transportation safety plan in order to achieve our transportation safety goals.

(Sharing and transmission of information on transport safety)
Article 12 We will strive to ensure that information on transport safety is communicated and shared within the station in a timely and appropriate manner by ensuring sufficient two-way communication between managers and field staff, and between operation managers and drivers.In addition, when discovering a situation that compromises safety, do not overlook or cover it up, but immediately notify the relevant parties and take appropriate countermeasures.

(Report and contact system for accidents, disasters, etc.)
Article 13 In the event of an accident, disaster, etc., the reporting and communication system for the accident, disaster, etc. shall be determined separately.
2. We will strive to ensure that reports on accidents, disasters, etc. are promptly conveyed to the safety general manager, managers, or necessary personnel within the department.
3. The safety general manager will work to disseminate the reporting and communication system within the station, and will give necessary instructions, etc., so that the reporting and communication system in paragraph 1 functions sufficiently and the response after an accident, disaster, etc. occurs proceeds smoothly. I do.
4 Automobile Accident Reporting Rules (Showa 26 Ministry of Transport Ordinance No. 104) (hereinafter referred to as "Reporting Rules")
In the event of an accident, disaster, etc. specified above, the necessary report or notification shall be made to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in accordance with the provisions of the reporting regulations.

(Education and training on transport safety)
Article 14 In order to achieve the transport safety goals in Article 5, formulate and steadily implement specific plans for education and training for the development of necessary human resources.

(Internal audit for transport safety)
Article 15 The safety manager shall set an appropriate time at least once a year to inspect the implementation status of safety management, with himself or a person designated by the safety manager as the person in charge of implementation. Conduct internal audits on transport safety.

In addition, in the event of a serious accident, disaster, etc., or in the event that similar accidents, disasters, etc., occur repeatedly, or in other cases where it is deemed particularly necessary, we will urgently conduct an internal audit of transportation safety.

2 When the internal audit described in the preceding paragraph is completed, the safety general manager shall promptly report to the manager the results of the audit, and when any matters requiring improvement are found, the details of such matters. We will consider the measures necessary for this, and if necessary, take urgent corrective or preventive measures that are necessary for the time being.

(Improvement of work related to transport safety)
Article 16 If there is a report on accidents, disasters, etc., the results of the internal audit in the preceding article, or matters to be improved from the safety general manager, or if it is deemed necessary to ensure the safety of transportation, transportation Investigate measures for improvement necessary to ensure safety, and take corrective or preventive measures.

2. In the event of a serious accident due to malicious violations of laws and regulations, etc., we will take measures to ensure a higher level of safety than at present in general safety measures or necessary matters.

(Disclosure of information)
Article 17 Basic policy on transportation safety, goals and achievements of those goals, statistics on accidents stipulated in Article 2 of the reporting rules, organizational structure and chain of command for transportation safety, transportation safety related priority measures, transport safety plans, transport safety budget and other actual amounts, accident, disaster reporting and communication system, safety general manager, safety management regulations, transport safety education and training plans, transport safety The results of the internal audit and the details of the measures based on them will be announced to the outside within 100 days after the end of each fiscal year.

2. When reporting to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism about the improvement status taken to ensure transportation safety after administrative disposition, such as measures to prevent recurrence after the occurrence of an accident, we will promptly disclose it to the outside.

(Management of Records Concerning Transportation Safety, etc.)
Article 18 These regulations shall be reviewed regularly and in a timely manner in accordance with the actual business conditions.
2 Minutes of meetings, report communication system, reports of accidents, disasters, etc., instructions from the safety general manager, results of internal audits, corrective measures reported to managers or Record preventive measures, etc. and store them appropriately.
3. The method of recording and storing the information listed in the preceding paragraph and other information related to transport safety shall be determined separately.

Supplementary provisions

These regulations shall be enforced from Heisei 25/10/1.
These regulations shall be enforced from Heisei 31/1/1.
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