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Timetable by school (2024 edition)

The timetable revised on Reiwa6/4/1 is reflected.

School timetable

Savask (student discount) *Great value commuter pass

How to buy

Please fill out the application form below and bring it to the sales counter.

*You must present your student ID at the time of purchase.
(If you do not have a student ID, please get proof from your school on the application form.)

Purchase Application

*Application forms are also available at the sales counter.

ICOCA handling window

Ube City Bus
 <Business hours>
 Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays and 12/29-1/3) 8:30-17:15

Shinkawa Sales Office
 <Business hours>
 Monday to Saturday (excluding holidays) 7:30-18:30
 Sundays and holidays 9:00-17:00 (break time 12:45-13:30)
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